Monday, January 31, 2011

Busy me

Sorry I've been playing with my boy. He's had 3 days off school. It's been really fun. On Friday 2 of my owners tried to take me camping inside. I got scared and slept in the bed with my other owner. Today people came to drop off a (what's it called). Ah yes, a stove. Meanwhile I was outside jumping on the door like a jackrabbit. I was very scary. 


The Quintessential Magpie said...

Hi, Abbott!

Sounds like you've had a busy time of it. And you know what? I'm scared of stoves, too. Just ask Mr. Magpie. ;-)

Hope you get some goodies from that stove, but be careful, dogs can't eat chocolate. On the other hand, sugar cookies and things like that... why not!


Mrs. Magpie :-)

KeLLy aNN said...

yeah for 3 day weekends and for new stoves!

LemonyRenee' said...

You were a very good watchdog, Abbott. Anyone fearing black & white jackrabbits would never come near our house!

Gayla said...

Abbot, what a good watchdog you are! Those stoves can be dangerous!

Jim said...

Hey Abbott! My dog Sophie would really understand what you are talking about....much better than me. You see, humans sometimes have really strange ideas that they think their dogs will like! But you are way too smart for that I see.

Bobbie said...

Hi Abbott... You are such a sweet little dog. If I were you, the next time your owners try to take you camping GO FOR IT!!! I hear they had plenty of good food. So has your owner made something special for you to eat on the new stove yet? Have fun with your boy!!

fromsophiesview said...

Hey Abbott...listen.. any time blog me if you are having a "huh what is going on" moment. I'll help you through those weird times. Guess what, I've been there and wisdom is a handy thing to have....CHEERS and Happy Valentine's Day you little snookums! wink wink!